Where to get alien blaster fallout 4
Where to get alien blaster fallout 4

where to get alien blaster fallout 4

This can lead to clipping issues where a shot will hit cover opposed to the target.

  • The Projectiles from this weapon are bigger than other bursts in the game.
  • This makes longer range shots harder to land.
  • The Projectiles from this weapon move slowly (compared to other weapons).
  • This pistol has good range and accuracy compared to other pistols, making it a solid choice for a ranged energy weapon.
  • For 2 hours, do 25 more damage with the Alien Blaster.

    where to get alien blaster fallout 4

    Most Modifications Require Science Rank 3+ lasts for only a short amount of time (though if you Tales 4 Astoundingly Awesome Igles 5. Damage is reduced by 1 point in the process. With Maximum "Science!" the Survivor can convert the weapon over to Fusion Cell Ammunition. Take him out, and then take the Blaster.The Alien Blaster is a unique weapon from a triggered encounter at the UFO Crash Site.

    where to get alien blaster fallout 4

    For the Alien Blaster Rounds youll need Nuclear Physicist rank 3 and Gun Nut rank 4. Seems like it has every type of ammo in the game to craft.

  • The next trick is to follow the Alien pilot’s blood from the crashed UFO to a nearby cave. You go to Crafting section, there you will find Ammunition Workbench.
  • The Alien craft should have caused some destruction - look for fire. Set a custom marker south of the brewery and look for a rocky area. It’s east of Fort Hagen and north of Vault 81.
  • From there, head to the Beantown Brewery.
  • where to get alien blaster fallout 4

    I didn’t see that bit, but nonetheless, I did encounter the Alien craft afterwards. That apparently triggers an Alien spacecraft overhead.

  • From there, legend has it that you need to head northeast towards Greentop Nursery, then west to the Old Gullet Sinkhole.
  • We’ve attached a couple maps for your ease.
  • Once there, head into a room with a cage to gain access to the basement.
  • It’s southeast from Vault 111 - but then again, what isn’t? If you’re having trouble, go right up to the top of the map and head east to find Recon Bunker Theta, then head straight down to the school. To do that, head to the Malden Middle School.
  • First, you need to complete the Vault 75 quest.
  • [ Update: Our video exploded, so thanks Achievement Hunter!)

    Where to get alien blaster fallout 4