November 2022
13 November 2022 - 19:15
Windows backup multiple drives
Veeam Agent supports backup of external drives that support Microsoft VSS: HDD, SSD, and so on.
Automating Veeam Agent for Windows Operations.
Viewing Veeam Agent Backup Job Statistics.
Enabling and Disabling Veeam Agent Backup Jobs.
Exporting Restore Point to Full Backup File.
Restoring Veeam Agent Backup to VMware vSphere VM.
Restoring Veeam Agent Backup to Hyper-V VM.
Performing Backup Copy for Veeam Agent Backups.
Viewing Licensed Veeam Agents and Revoking License.
Managing Instance Consumption by Veeam Agents.
Setting Up User Permissions on Backup Repositories.
Removing CBT Driver with Veeam Recovery Media.
Checking for New Product Versions and Updates.
Disabling Backup over Metered Connections.
Viewing Job Session Results in Email Reports.
Viewing Events with Windows Notification Center.
Viewing and Dismissing Veeam Agent Events.
Monitoring Backup Process in Taskbar Button.
Monitoring Backup State with Tray Agent.
Viewing Status of Restore Points in Backup Cache.
Viewing Statistics for Separate Restore Points.
Using Microsoft Windows Recovery Environment.
Using Veeam Agent and Microsoft Windows Tools.
Allocating Restored Volumes to Dynamic Disks.
Select Network Adapter or Wireless Network
Deleting Restore Points from Backup Cache.
Performing Backup with Command Line Interface.
Disabling and Enabling Scheduled Backups.
Scheduling Settings in Free and Workstation Editions.
Microsoft SQL Server Transaction Log Settings.
Veeam Cloud Connect Repository Settings.
Creating Veeam Recovery Media with Command Line Interface.
Uninstalling Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows.
Upgrading Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows.
Using Sysprep and Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows.
Installing Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows in Unattended Mode.
Installing Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows.
Managing Veeam Agent in Veeam Backup & Replication.
Backup to Veeam Cloud Connect Repository.
Integration with Veeam Backup & Replication.
How Microsoft SQL Server Log Backup Works.
Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Logs Backup.
Default Changed Block Tracking Mechanism.
Retention Policy in Free and Workstation Editions.
Scheduling Options in Free and Workstation Editions.
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